“… As a painter I express myself through colours and delicate, subtle transparency. I love both and what connects these two different aspects is a positive perspective and serious quality. In my 3D projects it is the same, I work with bright colours, or with materials from nature. In simple concepts which involve the surroundings and their perspective in optical illusions. Originality is important for me and I work hard to create valuable works directly from the heart, hoping to be understood and recognized…”
Marina Kulik works as a full time artist in the South of France. She divides her time between autonomous painting, 3D projects, Live Painting and teaching watercolours & life drawing. Her work is recognised internationally, she was recently invited to design stained glass windows for the Notre Dame in Paris and her Blue Whale watercolour was selected as a cover for an American Eco-Thriller. Marina’s watercolour ‘Big Rose’ was selected as design for the Artbag for the Dutch Aids Fund
(previous one by Victor&Rolf and next by Jean Paul Gaultier!). The queens’ portrait adorns the Dutch Consulate in Nice, she won the Grand Prix d’Aquarelle and was featured in the international well-known magazine The Art of Watercolours (l’Art de l’Aquarelle) . Marina’s artwork resides in galleries and private collections all over the world. She often exhibits internationally, most recently in Seattle, Rotterdam, Kopenhagen, and in France in Paris, Théoule sur Mer and Valbonne.