an Ever Evolving Work of Art
In May this year (2012) I have started developing an idea that I have called 'the ever evolving work of art'. Basically it is a painting that I will work on for the rest of my life. It consists of many parts, big and small, that are stand alone works of art, and at the same time belong together.
I am often working that way even with my aquarelles, but then it is limited to one painting consisting of more pieces. This one is going to be huge, it will never stop. Of course it is just a concept right now, I have 7 paintings so far, that together form a 140x120 cm painting. As soon as I will sell one piece, it will be replaced with another, that may be completely different, but still fits! And when that is done I keep developing the Ever Evolving, extending it with more canvases, into hopefully a huge - but not too huge- monumental work. The other side of this is the movie that will be made of the developments. Every change will be recorded, and in a couple of years this will lead to a painted animation! The following 1-minute video shows the making of Part one, a 30x30 canvas painted with acrylic...
The Ever Evolving work of art will be presented for the first time during the 'Wonder and Make a Wish' exhibition that starts coming Friday the 14th of September (see previous posts). The prices vary from 250€ to 3000 €, so there is a piece for every budget!
In the coming days I will post the other 7 'making of' videos (6 more parts and then the total) and of course if there are updates and new paintings I will keep you posted!
Big Rose in print
Remember the aquarelle 'Big Rose' that was chosen as design for the 'Stop Aids Now' Artbag of 2012? The bag will hit the shops in October, and it will only cost 5 €. I will regularly update you from this space, for instance about the prototype that I now have in my possession ☺
But first a spin off of this project: high quality silk screen prints, numbered and signed by yours truly will soon be available! My new number one favourite printer Cristian de Bruijne from Cristian de Bruijne Zeefdruk has worked very hard to create a colourful, strong reproduction of the image. And that has worked out!
As he says himself:
"The reason of my enthusiasm is that Marina gave me free reign. This resulted in a reproduction that is as beautiful as it can possibly be. With this way of working I am at my best - it was a super job in all respects!"
The prints will be presented on the 'Wonder and Make a Wish' expo (see previous post)...
Exhibition ‘Wonder and Make a Wish’
“Wonder and Make a wish”
From 14 – 16 September 2012 the exhibition ‘Wonder and Make a wish’ will take place in Golfe Juan, featuring new work by five Dutch artists based in the Côte d’Azur. The artists will donate 10% of every sold work to the charity ‘Make-A-Wish’, which will be introduced in the Côte d’Azur during the exhibition.
Galerie Oscar is very pleased to announce a group exhibition of Dutch artists, living and working in the Côte d’Azur; Marina Kulik, Ineke Velsink, Thérèse Steinmetz, Rosalind Suurland and Elmer de Haas. Through paintings, photography, sculptures and jewelry, the ‘Wonder and Make a Wish’ exhibition expresses the crucial ingredient in creativity and growth, the ever wondering approach to the existence. The artists will be donating 10% of their proceeds to the new charity, “Make a wish”, which will be hereby introduced in Côte d’Azur.
The five featuring artists are still wondering and facilitating the same possibility to the visitors. Their artworks make us look around with wondering eyes, asking questions and observing without judgment. Their works convey the often lost sensation of believing that everything and anything is possible. Children can easily imagine what adults disregard as impossible. Children wonder and wish for miracles until we convince them to become realistic and stop dreaming. “Wonder and make a wish” exhibition connects us with the lost innocence and invites us to start looking around with wonder-eyes.
About the artists:
Marina Kulik combines creativity and ‘the artist life’ with intelligence and science. Her work shows a continuous, poetic wonder about the mystery of life. This is expressed in her subjects: expressive yet delicate portraits on one side and on the other hand lyric abstracts, originating from nature in her 'MCRose' series and emerging towards a microscopic viewpoint in 'MyDNA'. Marina is constantly developing and researching ideas, always seeking to truly understand the subject, looking for mastery and originality.
Ineke Velsink works miracles with bronze and hard stones such as various kinds of marble. Her statues have a wondering and spiritual undertone and her women balance between the figurative and the abstract. Ineke’s “everything is possible” approach makes it possible to observe that what at first appears as abstract, reveals itself as being a well-measured composition. The statues are therefore surprising the viewer by enhancing a different impression than he/she got at first sight.
Rosalind Suurland, former ice show skater, always designed and manufactured the show apparel. With her special creations of necklaces, in gold, silver, silk and pearls, Rosalind has found her new passion and stage and opportunity to translate her playfulness and creativity from performing on ice to creating dream alike jewelry. Her designs are charming and artistic, and she has made her name in the world of jewelry by creating only one unique copy of each piece, executed in a different style.
Thérèse Steinmetz takes the viewer to another world, a world of peace, serenity and beauty with her dream alike 'creatures feminines' (fairytale female creatures). During the first exposition in the Hague in 1989 Lambert Monet (a direct descendant of the French painter) discovered Thérèse’s work and introduced her to several foreign galleries. A highlight was the great solo exhibition in New York at the famous Benedetti-Gallery (1993). Thérèse’s work was awarded many times, among them the ‘Medaille d'or’ of the biennale of Lyon 2002 and the great prize of Italy 2002 with expositions in Rome, Venice and Florence.
Elmer R. de Haas, Dutch photographer/film director, lives and works in Amsterdam. His work is often characterized as: “Work that embodies great emotional depth, with a sensitive eye for composition and storytelling”. His uncommissioned work is collected by a fast growing international clientele in Zurich, Berlin and London. At present he exhibits in his own studio/gallery in Amsterdam and the ‘Wonder and Make a Wish’ exhibition shows his ‘look beyond the reality’ works.
About the charity:
‘Make-A-Wish’ is a worldwide charity organization which grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy. The organization Make-A-Wish has a representation in Paris since 2003 and is now in the process of setting up an organization for the South of France and Lille.
Guests: Highly interesting international speakers and guests, among others, Peter van Santen, Honorary Consul of the Netherlands in Nice and an official representation of ‘Make-A-Wish’ France.
Setting: Exquisite private villa, overlooking the the riviera coast, a purposefully designed scenario for wondering and dreaming.
Music: Live lounge music by jazz singer Anna Feichenfeldt and pianist Ruby Lemm.
Dates: September 14-16, 2012, 15.00-19.00
Opening reception: September 14, 15.00 - 19.00
For more information
Emilie Janda at +33669396881 or
Now represented by Galerie Oscar!
From August 1st 2012 onwards artist Marina Kulik will be represented by Galerie Oscar in Nice
Galerie Oscar is a gallery for contemporary art, with an inventive approach and a great eye for original art from emerging international artists. For Marina it means that her artwork will be promoted on a broader international basis:
“I am very happy with this development! After my successful exhibition in Galerie Oscar in Nice, I kept in touch with them because especially curator Emilie Janda is a great sparring partner and an inspiring person! Now that they actually represent me I can always count on their input and feedback - and of course they take a lot of administrative work, but also marketing and publicity, from my hands. Time that I can now spend on painting! And on developing new ideas and projects...”
Emilie Janda from Galerie Oscar will focus on further development of Marina's abstract projects and on international marketing of the full length 'informal portraits'.
“From the moment I saw Marina Kulik’s paintings during 'Franchement Art' in Villefranche, I was attracted to her colourful and original 'MyDNA' series, the fingerprints and serpentines. When Marina exhibited with Galerie Oscar, I was introduced to her 'McRoses' and I immediately recognized the potential in her work. This was proven right after the exhibition when 'Big Rose' was chosen by the Dutch AIDS fund to be printed on their famous Artbag. Marina's full length (and other) portraits are already well known in French and Dutch circles and we are going to make sure they get the attention they deserve in other countries too, starting with the Scandinavian art market. We are delighted to welcome Marina Kulik in our midst."
For new and existing collectors of Marina's work this is good news! There will be a higher level of publicity and Marina’s work will become an even better investment. Galerie Oscar can be contacted for additional information and services.
Galerie Oscar 51 Avenue de Mont Alban 06300 Nice
Emilie Janda +33669396881
Big Rose on Artbag for Aids
Every year, a Dutch well known artist makes a design for 'the Artbag'. That is a shoppingbag that is produced and sold in high volumes and the proceeds go to 'Stop Aids Now!', an organisation which fights aids in third world countries and especially focuses on women, adolescents and children. This year, Marina Kulik has created the design - a big, multi colour rose
"As soon as I saw the announcement, I uploaded my Big Rose design. First of all because it was for Stop Aids Now and that is a cause I deeply feel for. Also because I love it when my work can have additional value. And because I always buy the Artbag myself (for the good cause and because they are so handy!) And last but not least because it is fun to participate in a contest - especially when it is with a jury!
After I sent the image I found out that others needed to vote for it via facebook, and that a jury was going to select the winner from the Top Ten... So I have started a big time spamming campaign - and that really has worked! Big Rose ended up safely in the Top 10, together with plenty of other good and original designs! I didn't count on anything, but the jury has - after 4 days of deliberating- chosen my design!! I am superglad and proud, and I cannot wait to see the bag in real life! The most rewarding for me is that I can really contribute to Stop Aids Now!"
Order the bag and support Stop Aids Now? or drop me an email via the 'contact' page on this site...
Price of the bag: 5€
Atelier News: a reconstruction portrait part 4
The portrait is finished. It has the expression and contrasting colours that I wanted it to have. I am very happy with the way it worked out.
I had planned a lot of foliage in the background, as most of the pictures that I used for the reconstruction of the portrait of this young man (who died 15 years ago) showed him in nature, in the garden. And in one that I particularly liked, he is sitting underneath a beautiful plumtree that I from the beginning thought I would add.
But after I painted the first wet-in-wet background wash, with diffused, transparent colours (green and blue tones) it looked so beautiful and calm that I didn't feel like I needed all that detail anymore...
So I have stopped, and if my client (his widow) wants the foliage I will most certainly add that. (And show it to you). Yet I have the feeling that she will, just like me, go for this poetic version...
Until soon!
Atelier News: a reconstruction portrait part 3
While happily painting Chris's portrait, I have now as extra input the portrait of his daughter Lucie. I painted that a couple of years ago, after meeting her extensively. A 'normal' portrait so to say, no reconstructing necessary! She has light hair and I didn't think she and her dad were very much alike (the only reason I wanted a photograph of her portrait alongside Chris's painting was to make sure the two pictures look good together as they will hang next to each other).
But as it turns out there is so much resemblance! It is amazing what you see when you truly dive into another person... The mouth, the look in their eyes, the stillness around them.

I have finished the basic structure and colours of his face (including beard shadow and very thick eyebrows) and worked hard on the shirt (always love doing the fabric and patterns).
To do: a couple of details in his face then his fantastic blue-black, curly, thick hair and last but not least - the background. All with the other painting in mind!
Soon I'll present the finished painting...
Atelier News: a reconstruction part 2
Reconstruction portraits are portraits that are made without the possibility of a life session. Based on pictures and descriptions, with a lot of interpretation and going back to the client "is this the colour of his/her eyes" etc...
There's a bit of detective work and the end result is often based on that, combined with pictures and sketches. To me, a great aspect of these reconstructions is that I am limited to working from photo's, and I like limits. Also lovely is the fact that you are creating a memory and a monument. Working from photo's is not at all bad by the way: they are often spontaneous, they are very patient, they don't move and they are strictly two-dimensional.
After a couple of talks, where we determined his pose, and sketches for the colours (the one shown here I made to get a feel for his contrast (he's very dark haired with a light skin) of Chris, who passed away 15 years ago, on a very young age, I have now started the first washes of the actual aquarelle:

Atelier News: another reconstruction portrait
I'm working on a new 'reconstruction' portrait. From time to time that comes on my path. This post is about two previous reconstructions. I write this to explain to you what I mean by 'reconstruction portrait': some 2 years ago I painted the portraits of two girls 'when they were little'.
They are now in their forties and when they were 5 or 6 years old, portraits were made from their two sisters. But before it was their turn, the artist died and their parents never found another one with the same style...
Until they met me, thirty years later. With the help of lots of old photo's (all yellowed, sepia, black and white) and interviews combined with sketching sessions with them and their parents,
I 'reconstructed' the portraits. It was very interesting and challenging, the difficult part is of course that the input is partly from memory and descriptions and partly of photo's of often vague and unclear quality... But I could also meet 'the portraitees' in real life and although they were older, their 'colours' were still the same.
I finished the job and the two are now in a beautiful composition with their two sisters!
The reconstruction I'm working on now - and will write about in coming posts - is even more challenging, the person I am about to paint, has passed away. Luckily I have his wife as great source of information -as well as his daughter, who looks like him.
If you want to know how it will go - keep watching this space!
From the Aquarellista headquarters 4
The portrait is almost finished! There are some minor details but they will have to wait until I have done the greater part of the next portrait - the other half literally of this one... My plan is to connect them using the background. Their personal colours are very different, but this will make the two portraits, like the two people, 'belong'...
Anyway, since my last post I worked on the cooler floor and the rug and the warmer wall and chair (window basically left white!) and after that I adjusted the reflections in the glasses...
The 'after' picture has much more likeness to the real person - his cleverness and perceptiveness are much more visible
At this point I stopped working on it and handed it over to the new owners, who by the way are very content. But they will have to return it for the last strokes when I am in the finishing stages of number two, so I can align the rug, and the window. But that will take a while. I will keep you posted!
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